Recall that the sides of a right triangle can be related to the angle using the trigonometric relations in the figure below.
Figure1.10.1.A right triangle with angle theta and the lengths of the sides labeled as opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse next to a 2D position vector oriented at the origin of an xy-coordinate system.
Consider the sine of angle \(\theta\) and its relationship to the sides of the triangle
Suppose you are given the magnitude and direction angle and you would like to find the components of the vector. You can solve the above equation for the \(y\)-component of the position vector \(\vec{r} \) using the above relationship where \(r_y = r\sin\theta\text{.}\) In this case, the \(y\)-component is the magnitude of the vector multiplied by the sine of the angle.
Now, consider the cosine of angle \(\theta\) and its relationship to the sides of the triangle
Note that vectors are intimately related to right triangle trigonometry. In fact, geometrically the magnitude of a vector is simply the hypotenuse, which can be determined using the familiar Pythagorean theorem.
r = |\vec{r}| = \sqrt{r_x^2 + r_y^2}
ExercisesPractice Activities
Find the magnitudes of the vectors \(\vec{v_1}= 3\hat{x}-4\hat{y}\) and \(\vec{v_2}= -12\hat{x}-5\hat{y}\text{.}\) Find their directions as angles relative to an axis of your choice.