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Learning Introductory Physics with Activities

Section 14.2 Rotational Work

Since there is kinetic energy associated with rotation, it stands to reason that energy can be transferred into or out of a system via a rotational interaction. In fact, you can create an angular analogue for Work

Definition 14.2.1. Rotational Work.

The work done by a torque \(\vec{\tau}\) on an object rotating through \(\vec{d\theta}\) is:
\begin{equation*} W = \int_{\theta_i}^{\theta_f} {\vec{\tau} \cdot \vec{d\theta}} \end{equation*}
As with work done by a force, if the torque is constant you can simply write
\begin{equation*} W = \vec{\tau} \cdot \vec{\Delta \theta} \end{equation*}

Exercises Activities

1. Calculation: Unwinding a Spool.

Suppose you unwind a string that has been wrapped around a spool of radius \(R\) three times, causing the spool to gain a known amount of rotational kinetic energy \(K_{rot}\text{.}\) Find the magnitude of the force you exerted on the string.