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Learning Introductory Physics with Activities

Chapter 2 Motion

Now that you have a foundation in vectors, you will begin looking at your first major physics topic: motion.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
  1. Analyze translational motion using a motion diagram.
  2. Apply the particle model to analyze translational motion.
  3. Define average velocity.
  4. Define average acceleration.
  5. Define instantaneous velocity.
  6. Define instantaneous acceleration.
  7. Analyze motion in a position versus time graph.
  8. Draw a correlation between motion diagrams and position versus time graphs.
  9. Draw a velocity versus time and acceleration versus time graph from a position versus time graph and vice versa.
  10. Determine the sign of position, velocity and acceleration within a defined coordinate system.
  11. Determine position, distance, velocity and speed from graphs of position and velocity versus time.
  12. Make sense of a symbolic quantity using covariational reasoning.