A pendulum does not need to be a simple mass on a string. In fact, many objects that can be modeled in the rigid-body model can act as pendulums. For example, as you walk, your leg swings like a pendulum. Consider a pendulum made from a rigid-body object.
Figure15.10.1.A rigid-body pendulum.
Use a torque analysis and your model of simple harmonic motion to analyze the system. The gravitational torque is
\tau = -LMg\sin\theta(t) = I \alpha
Recall that the gravitational force acts at the center of mass of a rigid-body. Here, the distance from the pivot to the center of mass is \(L\text{.}\) Apply the small-angle approximation,
Note that this analysis will only provide an accurate predictive model when the angle \(\theta(t)\) is small. From this you can determine the equation of motion for the system
This equation is general for any rigid-body object so long as you specify the moment of inertia and properly determine the distance from the pivot to the center of mass.