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Learning Introductory Physics with Activities

Section 9.20 Conductors

Exercises Warm-Up Activity

A long rod is positively charged and is held next to a circular conductor.
Figure 9.20.1. A large positive charge to the left of a square conductor.


The diagram above shows a large positive charge next to a conductor. A conductor is a material (typically metal) that has a lot of free charges that can move around in response to external fields. The conductor in the figure is neutral (the net charge is zero).
Describe how you would expect the charges in the conductor to distribute themselves in the presence of the large positive charge.


Together, the large positive charge and the charges in the conductor will create a net electric field everywhere in space. Predict the direction of this net electric field at the center of the square conductor.
Click on this link to view a video demonstrating what happens in case like the one described above.


Has your thinking about the electric field at the center of the conductor changed? If so, explain how and why it has changed.
Conductors are extremely useful objects that interact in interesting ways with an external electric field.

Definition 9.20.2. Conductors.

A conductor is an object that possesses free electric charges that move in response to an external electric field in such a way that the electric field everywhere inside the conductor is zero.

Exercises Conductor Activities

Consider the charged conductor shown below.
A long rod is positively charged and is held next to a circular conductor.
Figure 9.20.3. A charged conductor and an external electric field.


What direction is the net electric field at each point inside the conductor? Explain your reasoning.


Do you think the electric potential difference between points A and B is positive, negative, or zero? Explain your reasoning.
Conductors have many interesting properties, which are summarized in the video below.

References References

"MIT Physics Demo -- Faraday’s Cage" YouTube, uploaded by mittechtv, 20 November 2009,