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Learning Introductory Physics with Activities

Section 9.5 Charge Density

Definition 9.5.1. Charge Density.

Charge density can be found by dividing the small amount of charge \(dq\) in a portion of an object by the size of that portion of the object. If the small portion is one-dimensional (say, the \(x\)-direction), you would call it linear charge density
\begin{equation*} \lambda = \frac{dq}{dx} \end{equation*}
if it is two-dimensional, you would call it surface charge density
\begin{equation*} \sigma = \frac{dq}{dA} \end{equation*}
and if it three dimensional, you would call it volume charge density
\begin{equation*} \rho = \frac{dq}{dV} \end{equation*}
Just like for mass density, we can use the charge density to understand how charge is distributed throughout a line, a surface, or a volume.

Exercises Activities

1. Sensemaking: Charge Density.

Determine the units for each charge density (one-, two-, or three-dimensional). Why are they different?


Suppose you have a wire of length \(L\) with a charge density that changes from one side to the other. Describe in words why the total charge on your wire is NOT given by \(q = \lambda L\text{.}\)