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Learning Introductory Physics with Activities

Section 10.8 Resistance

Definition 10.8.1. Resistance.

Circuit elements present obstacles to the flow of electric current in circuits, which we define as Resistance and we write as \(R\text{.}\) Resistance is measured in units of Ohms (\(\Omega\)).

Exercises Activities

Shown below is a circuit with three resistors. In a circuit diagram, a resistor is represented by a jagged line.
A circuit diagram consisting of a battery and three resistors. Resistors 1 and 2 are in series, and are both in parallel with Resistor 3.
Figure 10.8.2. A circuit diagram consisting of a battery and three resistors. Resistors 1 and 2 are in series, and are both in parallel with Resistor 3.


Assume that \(R_1 > R_2\text{.}\) Predict whether the current through resistor 2 greater than, less than, or equal to the current through resistor 1. Explain your answer.


Predict whether the voltage across resistor 2 is greater than, less than, or equal to the voltage across resistor 1. Explain your answer.