Circuit elements present obstacles to the flow of electric current in circuits, which we define as Resistance and we write as \(R\text{.}\) Resistance is measured in units of Ohms (\(\Omega\)).
Shown below is a circuit with three resistors. In a circuit diagram, a resistor is represented by a jagged line.
Figure10.8.2.A circuit diagram consisting of a battery and three resistors. Resistors 1 and 2 are in series, and are both in parallel with Resistor 3.
Assume that \(R_1 > R_2\text{.}\) Predict whether the current through resistor 2 greater than, less than, or equal to the current through resistor 1. Explain your answer.
Predict whether the voltage across resistor 2 is greater than, less than, or equal to the voltage across resistor 1. Explain your answer.